Zarc, Gold Sponsor of the 17th International Scientific Meeting in Lebanon
The Lebanese Society of Endodontics is organising its annual international scientific meeting “The Future is Now” on the 3rd and 4th of June, an event in which Zarc4Endo will be present as a Gold sponsor.
Zarc4Endo’s internationalisation project advances unstoppably with a firm commitment to participate in the most prestigious international events.
With a varied programme for real specialists, the 17th International Scientific Metting in Lebanon will host the presentations of some of the main references in endodontics worldwide such as Dr. Taha Özyürek (TUR) , Nuno Pinto (PT), James Prichard (UK), John West (USA), Antonis Chaniotis (GR) or Roberto Estévez (ES).
Zarc4Endo will not only be part of this great event as a sponsor, but also Dr. Roberto Estévez, one of the creative geniuses of the brand, will be part of the event as a keynote speaker.
Event programme
The following is the training programme for this exciting meeting for endodontic specialists:
Friday 3 June 2022
8:30-9:00 Registration.
9:00-9:45 Minimally invasive root canal treatment.
Dr. Taha Özyürek
9:45-10:30 Opening ceremony and coffee break.
10:30-11:30 Anatomical canal instrumentation with sixth generation NiTi instruments.
Dr. Roberto Estévez
11:30-12:30 Internal concepts of endodontics: The importance of simplifying our daily practice.
Dr. Nuno Pinto
12:30-13:15 Shaping and cleaning: How heat-treated alloys are the new standard in endodontics.
Dr. James Prichard
13:15-14:45 Lunch break.
14:45-15:45 How to improve the efficacy of irrigants in small canal preparations.
Dr. Roberto Estévez
15:45-16:30 Bioceramics: from obturation to regeneration. Expanding the possibilities of endodontic therapy.
Dr. James Prichard
16:30-17:00 Coffee break.
17:00-20:00 Workshops.
Saturday 4 June 2022
9:00-10:30 Deep form in endodontics:
“Making the ultimate endodontic preparation easy, safe and predictable”.
Dr. John West
10:30-11:15 Update on the kinematics of nickel and titanium files in endodontics.
Dr. Taha Özyürek
11:15-11:45 Coffee break.
11:45-12:45 Making endodontic treatment of complicated canal systems simple, safe and predictable. A new approach with Hyflex and EDM files.
Dr. Antonis Chaniotis
12:45-13:45 Is it possible to treat something you can’t see?
Dr. Nuno Pinto